Chow test
Source: econterms
A particular test for structural change; an econometric test to determine whether the coefficients in a regression model are the same in separate subsamples. In reference to a paper of G.C. Chow (1960), "the standard F test for the equality of two sets of coefficients in linear regression models" is called a Chow test. See derivation and explanation in Davidson and MacKinnon, p. 375-376. More info in Greene, 2nd edition, p 211-2.
Homoskedasticity of errors is assumed although this can be dubious since we are open to the possibility that the parameter vector (b) has changed. RSSR = the sum of squared residuals from a linear regression in which b1 and b2 are assumed to be the same SSR1 = the sum of squared residuals from a linear regression of sample 1 SSR2 = the sum of squared residuals from a linear regression of sample 2 b has dimension k, and there are n observations in total Then the F statistic is: ((RSSR-SSR1-SSR2)/k ) / ((SSR1+SSR2)/(n-2k). That test statistic is the Chow test.