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NFG Server Configuration

NFG Server Configuration

Matches are played between players during an experiment and are made up of one or more rounds. Matches have different significance depending on whether the game is a payoff game or a probability game. Payoff games simply show payoff balances at the end of a match while probability games declare a winner and a loser at the end of a match. In both types of games players are potentially paired with a different opponent in proceeding matches.

The "Session Definition" tab allows an experimenter to set experiment parameters in three general areas: general match settings, subject pairing, and client display. This page will discuss match settings, while the next two pages will cover subject pairing and client display options, respectively. The top portion of the tab displays the general match parameters.

Screen Capture: Session parameters

Match Settings Details

  • Max number of players: Specifies the maximum number of players to be allowed in the session. It is not required to set the maximum number of players to run the software. If left blank no restriction is imposed on the session. There will be as many players in the session as there are connected clients.

  • Match clock: The value shown in this field will define how much time a player has for making selections during the course of one match. It is not required in order to run the software. The default value is : ?00:00?, which means matches will not be timed. If the match clock is enabled the players see their own clock ticking down. When the player makes a selection, the clock pauses until the round results are received from the server. If the match is not yet over then the clock continues the count down. If the clock reaches 0 before the match is over then the player loses the match if a probability game is being played. If a payoff game is being played then the match is simply over.

  • Number of matches: Specifies the number of matches in an experiment. Each match is comprised of one or more game rounds.

  • Conversion factor: Allows the moderator to give a point conversion factor for reporting the player?s final balance. This number has no impact on the game except that it is multiplied by the balance and shown to the user at the end of the session. Helpful when real monetary payoffs are used. For probability games, this factor is the amount earned for each match win (as a subject earns 1 for each match win before conversion). The default value is blank, meaning a factor of 1.

  • Starting balance

    • row player: Specifies the row player?s starting balance if other than 0. Enabled only if the game type is set to a payoff game but not required. The default value is set to blank.

    • column player: Specifies the column player?s starting balance if other than 0. Enabled only if the game type is set to a payoff game but not required. The default value is set to blank.

  • Match end condition: This option controls the number of rounds in each match. This condition varies depending on whether a payoff or probability game is specified.

    • number of rounds: Specifies number of rounds in each match in a payoff game. Both enabled and required if game type was set to payoff.

    • Row and Column points: Specifies the points needed to when a match in a probability game. Note that ties are not possible. The default value is set to blank.

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