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Normal Form Game Software

This software allows normal-form game experiments to be conducted over the Internet. Within an experiment, subjects participate in one or more matches. Each match is a series of one or more stage games. Several methods of rematching subjects between matches are offered.

Two general types of games are supported by this software:

  • Traditional games - payoff tables specify stage game earnings; subjects' earnings are simply the payoffs accumulated over time.
  • Match-Play games - payoff tables specify a probability of winning a point; a match is won by the first player to accumulate the needed points. This match winner earns a fixed payout, while the opponent earns nothing for the match.  

Software requirements:
The NFG Software requires Java. Please visit to verify that your computer supports Java and/or to freely install Java on your computer.

Using the NFG Software

If you are new to the site, or if you are looking for information on how to run an experiment on Econport, please take a moment and read about how to use this experiment system: How to Create an Experiment on EconPort.


Setting up a NFG Experiment: This section will show you how to setup and design the game board, match settings, and player pairing for your NFG experiment. 

Running a NFG Experiment: This section will show you how to the experiment is run from start to finish, and provide a series of subject screen-shots and server screen-shots.

Viewing the Results: This section will show you how to view and interpret your results after the experiment is finished.

 Related Content

 TeachingGame Theory: Normal Form Games with Dominant Pure Strategies 

 Handbook - Game Theory
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